Kh 358 2 days
Kh 358 2 days

The narrative isn’t helped by its decision to use subtler, less expressive character portraits than the ones seen in the GBA Chain of Memories, and to put them on the right side of the dialogue box instead of the left: this means the characters’ emotions are barely visible at a glance, and gives the impression that everyone’s coasting through their emotional journeys in neutral. This problem is even worse in the HD adaptation, but is still bad in the original game. At the end of most of Roxas’ 96 missions, Roxas, Axel and Xion go to the clock tower in the world of Twilight Town to eat ice cream, and the player will be bored to death of the area’s musical theme by the time the game is over.

kh 358 2 days

Unfortunately, the doldrums of corporate life, while probably intentional and thematic, just weighs down the repetitive nature of the game’s own story, and it’s hardly alone. The game even inherits SOLDIER’s mix of corporate and military policy, with the sterile, white walls of the Organization’s HQ between every mission, and Saïx as more of a disgruntled middle manager than a commanding officer. In Roxas’ prequel adventure, there are no big story missions, and the entire game is made up of recurring maps, now much larger and more detailed. In Zack’s prequel adventure, he went through complex, main story missions, with over one hundred, weaker side missions waiting in the wings, eachc reated by attaching new enemies and objectives to recurring, segmented maps. Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days takes its structure from another of Square Enix’s titles: Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII. It seems he used to know Axel in their life before the Organization, and the two used to be working together on something big. Introduced as a minor villain in Kingdom Hearts II, Saïx serves as Roxas’ direct superior during Days. Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days leans heavily on the mystery of Xion, and whether or not you’re invested will go a long way to say whether you enjoy the game itself. Quiet but hard-working, and desperate to be useful. The Organization’s fourteenth member, or so they say.

#Kh 358 2 days series

According to the series creator, the “over two” part of the title refers to seeing the 358 days through two characters’ eyes, Roxas and Xion, though Xion’s actual point of view segments are infrequent.

kh 358 2 days

During that time, he was best friends with Axel, and also a mysterious girl named Xion. He stuck around for, you guessed it, 358 days before his defection. It stars Roxas, back when he worked for Organization XIII before the events of Kingdom Hearts II. 358/2 Days winds back the Kingdom Hearts clock to a few days before the end of Kingdom Hearts. Shoehorning in multiplayer to a series that had largely stuck to single-player was an odd move, and it’s not clear just how many fans ever even tried the side mode, much less played it to the extent the game wants you to play it.Īll right, was that enough of a spoiler break? Grand. What’s strangest about 358/2 Days is that the game was designed with a multiplayer focus, Nintendo supposedly inviting (or maybe paying) Square to demonstrate the system’s multiplayer capabilities. This game delves into Roxas’ backstory, so spoiler warning for Kingdom Hearts II.

kh 358 2 days

The game was released for the Nintendo DS, developed by h.a.n.d, Square insists the title is pronounced “three hundred fifty-eight over two days”. Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days was the next game released internationally, though in Japan, the situation was more complicated.

Kh 358 2 days